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2023-2024 Active School Board Members

The Briarwood Christian School Board (Board) is subject to the authority and direction of the Session of Briarwood Presbyterian Church, having such powers as are delegated by the Session to the Board. The property and business of the School shall be managed by its Board. Subject to the powers and authority expressly delegated by the Session, the Board may exercise all such powers of the School and do all such lawful acts and things as are not prohibited by law, the authority delegated to them by the Session, and Briarwood Christian School’s Bylaws.

The Board shall report to the Session on operations of the School and in other matters on a periodic basis, as directed by the Session, and at such other times as the Board deems necessary or proper.
The Board shall consist of 15 members as will be prescribed by the Session with a minimum of three (3) being Sessional or non-Sessional Elders of Briarwood Presbyterian Church. The Board shall consist of not less than ten (10) members of the Church. Members must be residents of the State of Alabama, shall be at least 21 years of age, and embrace and support the mission of Briarwood Christian School. Additional ex officio members may be appointed on a year-to-year basis upon recommendation of the Board and approval of the Session. An ex officio member shall not serve as Chairman but shall have all other rights and privileges except that an ex officio member shall not vote.

Board member terms are 3 years in length, with five members rotating off each year. These open positions are filled by 5 duly elected members from a slate of nominees brought forward by the current Board members in good standing. Any individual is welcome to recommend potential candidates to a current Board member for consideration.  All potential board members will be properly vetted and approved before election according to the Briarwood Presbyterian Church nomination process, which includes final approval by the Session.  Board members serve without compensation and at the discretion of the Session of Briarwood Presbyterian Church.

2023-2024 Active School Board Members
Mr. Nathan Sasse, Chairman of the Board
Mr. Christopher Frost, Vice-Chairman of the Board
Mrs. Emily Baker
Mr. Rux Bentley
Mr. Will Clark
Dr. Jeff Flannery
Mr. Josh Jones
Mr. Wes Maddox
Mr. Daniel McClurkin
Mr. Brad Nichols
Mr. Jeff Olin
Mrs. Teresa Proctor
Mr. Mike Sanders
Mr. Mark Schroeter
Dr. Tim Townes

Above all, we value Christian character, godly compassion, and a life of service to God and others. Those values are evident in all we do as we disciple students through competitive athletics, the arts, academic achievements, and both local and international missions.