Music plays a very important role in the life of musical students in the Briarwood Christian School Fine Arts Academy. Our goal is to glorify God by engendering in our students a love of music, an appreciation for beauty as expressed through music, and by developing the God-given talents of each student.
5th and 6th Grade Concert Choir In grades 5 and 6, students may choose choir as a fine art elective. A wide variety of age-appropriate music is used with this choir. Many of these selections introduce students to singing in more than one part. Music reading activities continue as students work to increase their understanding and ability to read rhythms and notes found in choral selections. At this level, students are introduced to key signatures, scales, the hearing and singing of intervals, and some introduction to sight singing. A Spring Concert is prepared by the members of this age group utilizing a variety of musical styles.
Karis is an auditioned choir for girls only. They work on both concert and show choir music during the year. They compete during the second semester in several show choir competitions.
High School Briarwood Show Choir “Radica” This select group is open by audition to all high school students. Radica, which is Italian for ‘briar wood’ performs a diverse portfolio of music ranging from classical to contemporary. This group also combines singing with choreography. Radica performs at various civic and church events, as well as competing at the local and state level. Opportunities are offered to audition for All-State Show Choir & Solo/Ensemble competition. They compete in the show choir circuit as well. The group typically participates in one larger event each year such as the ACSI Choir Festival at Carnegie Hall or the Disney World Candlelight Christmas Processional.
Worship Leadership
Worship Leadership is a worship ministry designed to enhance student led worship during Chapels throughout the school year. The class also studies the theology, history and practice of worship through the ages.
Lower School Director
Mrs. Shelley Potter
Upper School Director
Mrs. Kasey Mixon
Worship Team Director
Mr. Chris Neugent