Lion Guard
The Lion Guard is an integral part of the marching band and music program. During football season, the color guard is an important part of the marching design, color palette, and musical interpretation of the show. By using flags, sabres, and rifles, as well as a mix of dance styles, the color guard interprets the music into a stunning visual element within the fall field show. The Lion Guard demands self-control and teamwork while producing a musical art form for the aesthetic enjoyment of the audience and the glory of God.
The Lion Guard also competes in winterguard through the Southeastern Color Guard Circuit (SCGC). The winterguard program consists of all elements of a marching band color guard while telling a story through music to paint a picture that will also express and represent the values and morals we hold here at Briarwood. This activity takes place in a gym on a decorated tarp that is designed to help tell the story. The Lion Guard competes in multiple competitions throughout the spring semester where they have previously won 1st on multiple occasions.
The JH Cadet Lion Guard spends the fall semester learning the basics for colorguard on flag and rifle and performing at two JH Football games during halftime. They also compete in SCGC in the spring semester in the cadet, middle school, division.
Lion Guard Director
Mrs. Christina Dover